As dust and dirt has a negative effect on the performance and reliability of ASD systems the need of extensive maintenance visits are needed to keep the systems perform optimal. Extensive maintenance brings high costs, multiple site visits and process disturbance.
An ASD is great at detecting fire quickly. With unsurpassed speed, it reports smoke far before other solutions do. Only an ASD system cannot withstand dirt. This causes the holes in the pipe network to Silt up which causes airflow faults and a much less earlier Firedetection.
The Blazer solves this problem and keeps the ASD system clean fully automatically. The blazer makes it possible to benefit from the great detection qualities of ASD in many more places. It gives you the opportunity to detect a fire at a very early stage, even in a dusty environment.
It saves you maintenance ... Protects your detector. In other words,
The Blazer saves you money and offers you options!




By using the Blazer maintenance unit you can be sure that the pipes of your aspiration system are clean. This in its turn has a positive effect on the time frame within which the filters in the detector normally get polluted. The detector processes many times less pollution and therefore any contamination reports or alarms take much longer to be triggered. Furthermore, the lifespan is extended which has a positive effect on the running costs in both the short and long term.